March 10, 1986 to April 9, 1986


Polarity or opposites. Companionship. Sharing. Nurturing. Two people immersing themselves into each other, losing their individual egos. Sensitivity to others. The difference between self-love and universal love. Community. The formation of patterns. Complementary reactions. Separateness. Anxiety. Interruptions.

IK (eek)

Wind, truth, spirit, breath, inspiration, co-creation, clairvoyance, unseen forces, communication, creative genius, integration of polarities, one's calling and purpose in life.

Continued from 1 IMIX

Mayan Symbol Representing Galactic Center (HUNAB KU) and
Polarity Principle Operative Throughout Creation (above)

Feathered Serpent/ Quetzalcoatl (below)

IK (pronunciation: eek’) refers to all matters relating to communication and to one’s calling and purpose in life. It corresponds directly to the Mesoamerican mythological figure of Feathered Serpent in his form as wind. TWO, on the other hand, refers to the universal polarity principle operative throughout Creation.

It was during this Moon cycle that, out of my studies carried out over the previous decade and a half, I developed what I called an "Earth Shamanism Training Weekend" workshop titled "Shake, Rattle and Roll." Only a few days previous, my mystical encounter with the Tzolkin had empowered me deeply and now, I felt called to concretize what I had experienced. To this end, I crafted a workshop integrating many aspects of what I had learned. Following is the text from my initial poster advertising the event:

Drawing on more than fifteen years of personal experience and study, Dwayne will introduce a small group of participants to some of the essential tools and practices of an emerging spiritual tradition: EARTH SHAMANISM. Emphasis will be placed on the adoption of principles and practices that can be used in one's life in contemporary society, to maintain spiritual power and direction in one's quest for inner peace and harmony with all Creation.

The workshop was conducted in the following Moon, 3 AKBAL, in a bunkhouse at Nakoda Lodge on the Stoney Indian Reserve west of Calgary.

On a personal basis, my mystical encounter with the Tzolkin during the previous Moon had come at a time when my wife Patti and I were struggling intensely to resolve what had gradually emerged as an irreconcilable conflict in our relationship. As this TWO IK Moon played itself out , we experienced a culmination of the polarization of values between us. Patti's request for a divorce precipitated a joint decision that I would be the one to move out of the house and that she and Danielle would stay.

As difficult as it was to face this break-up of our family, I surrendered to the choice, conscious that the next Moon cycle was signatured by the hieroglyph AKBAL (house) and the number 3 ( movement)!

Continued in 3 AKBAL